Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Bit More Serious

I wrote the other blog many years ago and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I will leave it up, maybe even add to it, but I've decided to create this blog as my primary document.

Why create a blog? Because my brain is starting to overflow with ideas, comments, and various other debilitating illnesses that I am finding it difficult to concentrate on things that are important in the immediate future.

I do not know how often I will write but since I have 0 people who are reading this blog, or know of its existence, I suppose it doesn't matter.

If you do stumble your way here and want to follow my blog, that's awesome. Deep down, I am an attention junkie. If you have an idea about what you want me to talk about, feel free to share it. As a warning, anything outside of writing, literature, and superheroes isn't my strong suit but I will see what I can do regardless.

That's it I guess. I may write multiple blogs in a day; I may write nothing for weeks at a time. Enjoy what you find.

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